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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SANGAM amla V +fruit 5
SANGAM amla V JAIN +man 5
SUN RAJ amla shikakai +woma 3
SUNDVA amla-C 5
SUNFINE amla hair oil 3
SWADESHI shudh amla ras 5
SWASTIK amla kesh 3
TAYYEBI amla tel 3
TAYYEBI amla tel +leaf 3
U SANAM amla 30
VANIKA amla +woman 3
VEOLA amla +woman 3
amrut amla +woman 3
emami amla plus 3
neem amla hair oil +woman 3
sanjivani's JAPA-amla +hear 5
super VASMOL AAMLA +amla 3
AMLEX +amlas 5
amlogen-10 BERGEN 5
BERGER amlogen-5 5
amlozin churna +man 5
amm LEO 25
KALA amm 30
GLUTA-ammino'ds 5
amns super gold +cup 30
STANES amoga 1
SEA-BIRD amoking +bird 11
KLF superior among gingelly 29
ALKEM S amoxicillin 250 5
MIFA-amoxy 5
amoxycillin +hands & flower 5
amoxycillin AMOLIN bp BENNE 5
amp +circles 7
amp ALPHA MIND POWER +face 16
HAWK vcd/mp3/amp V3.0 9
GANGA ampachan vati 5
GANGA ampachan-g 5
ampersand 16, 18, 25, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43
ampersand & arcs 25, 35, 36
ampersand & circle 9, 16, 35, 38, 42
ampersand & heart 35
ampersand & plant 35, 41, 42
ampersand & square 14
ALSO +ampersand & stripes 9, 16, 21, 35
ALT PEPPER +ampersand & ova 41
AP&T +ampersand & triangle 7, 9, 37, 42
BIG & CHIC +ampersand squar 18, 25
CO. +ampersand 25
CRUCS & CROCS +ampersand 25
DIAN +ampersand 35, 38, 41, 42
EMERSON +ampersand & circle 9
EVENTS +ampersand & circle 41
F&B CATERERS +ampersand 43
FOOD'S +ampersand 29, 30, 32
GOSPEL SPIRIT +ampersand 9
GUNNI & TRENTINO +ampersand 11, 20, 35
HD +ampersand 35, 38
HD +ampersand & circle 35, 42
HSYEDEEK +ampersand 28
ISA +ampersand & hat 41
JUST JAZZ +ampersand & oval 35
MADE +ampersand 35
MADE +ampersand & square 35
MEDIA +ampersand & camera 9, 16, 35, 40, 42
MUSIC +ampersand & circle 41, 42
NIGHTS +ampersand 10
OTHER STORIES +ampersand 3, 9, 14, 16, 18, 25, 35
PICTURES +ampersand 16, 25, 38, 41, 42
PICTURES +ampersand & circl 16, 42
PICTURES +ampersand & oval 9, 16, 25, 35, 38, 41, 42
PICTURES HD +ampersand oval 16, 38, 41, 42
PICTURES HD +oval ampersand 9
PRIVE HD +ampersand & circl 9, 16, 35, 38, 41, 45
RXR +ampersand 25
S +ampersand 9, 16, 42
S +ampersand & arcs 14
SERIES +ampersand 38
SNICK FIRE +ampersand 25
STUD A MAN CAN +ampersand 3
TOKYO +ampersand & circle 39, 43
TV +ampersand 16, 41
TV +ampersand & circle 9, 35, 38, 41, 42
TV +ampersand & oval 16, 35
TV HD +ampersand 9, 41, 42
TV HD +ampersand & circle 9, 16, 35, 38, 41, 42
XCLUSIVE HD +ampersand 38, 45
XCLUSIVE HD +ampersand oval 38, 35, 45
XO X ZERO +ampersand circle 43
YOUTH +ampersand & circle 35, 38, 41, 42
YOUTH HD +ampersand & circl 16, 35, 38, 41, 42
ampersand 3
ampersand 35
sweet-n-sound +ampersand 9
NKOYO ampicillin 5
TELE-CAB X XTREM amplifier 9
X PLODE CAR amplifiers 9
MILLION arc 600 amps 9
SAMARTH amrakhand +drops 29
LOKMAT HELLO amravati 16
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